Wednesday 21 August 2013

Your Baby Magazine

The Your Baby Magazine's September/October issue is featuring an article on adoption in South Africa, issues around it and advice for people wanting to adopt.

They have asked a few couples to share their story. The van Wyk's and us, together with other couples, had the privilege to be part of this feature.
The September/October issue will be available on shelves from the 28th of August 2013.
Jusqu'à la prochaine fois ...

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Books Every Family Should Own

Families are made-up of many different shapes, sizes and colours and that is what we want to teach our son. There is no mould for the “perfect family”.

I started doing some research and came across these wonderful books that every family should own. They can be ordered from Kalahari, Amazon and Terri Lailvaux.
Needless to say… We own them all…


Jusqu'à la prochaine fois ...

Friday 16 August 2013

Talk SA's Episode On Adoption

Our interview on our adoption journey aired sooner than we thought and on short notice.

On the 6th of August, just after 09:00, I received an email from the producer of Talk SA advising that their episode about adoption was airing the very same morning. It was very short notice and to make matters worse, I wasn't at home to set the recording function on our satellite decoder.

Thank goodness for a full-time domestic. With a few instructions and guidance we manage to set a recording. I had a few requests from friends and family to notify them on when the show was airing, so I jumped on Facebook and hoped for the best.

Here is the link to the Talk SA episode on adoption:

Jusqu'à la prochaine fois ...